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Abby May Art

SOLD - "Ebb & Flow"

SOLD - "Ebb & Flow"

Name: "Ebb & Flow"

Size: 12x24 in

Collection: n/a

Year Sold: 2025

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Adam Aust
Ebb & Flow

Hi Abby, thank you so much for this truly inspiring work of creativity. A poem dedicated to you from me.

A path of self reflection and identification,
When upon r/art, I found, by chance, revelation,
From the heart, a dance of insight and connection, thought provoking sensations from conversation

To look into oneself and all they could be,
Stems from these connections made previously,
The nature and nurture that govern oneself,
Are encapsulated within acrylics to better myself,

This hangs on my wall, a cascading effect,
Reminds me of gravity, a natural respect,
That with it, not against it, I must direct,
My energy into momentum, it's perfect!

The deeper you look, the more that you see,
Globules within globules forming nebulae,
Individuality yet bonded in unity,
encapsulating science with balanced creativity

The mixture of colours remind me of hydraulics,
Where many a time, I spent watching the frolics,
Between fluids, virtues of nature depicting chaos and harmony, reciprocating; static to dynamics

Atoms form molecules forming bonds detrimental
In nature, therefore, learn to yearn for what makes it so?
Ebb from resistance and flow makes it go,
Together bonded the stronger we are;
Human beings with feelings, flowing around stars

Adam Aust